Sameng provides a wide range of municipal infrastructure engineering services in the areas of:
- Stormwater Management:
- Urban Drainage Systems: storm sewer systems, catchbasins, storm inlets, storm outfalls, control structures, major-minor system, low impact developments (LID).
- Rural Drainage Systems: ditches, swales, culverts, small bridges.
- Stormwater Management Facilities: dry ponds, wet ponds and constructed wetlands; dry pond retrofitted in existing parks and school sites with dual-use sports facilities, control structures.
- Rainfall-Related Flood Risks: flood risk assessments and studies, flood mitigation improvements, rainfall frequency analysis, flood damage estimation.
- Erosion Protection: at inlet, outfalls and culverts; in drainage channels, watercourses and waterbodies.
- Wastewater Collection: gravity sewers, sanitary lift stations, and forcemains.
- Water Supply and Distribution: water distribution systems, water reservoirs and pump stations, water intakes, and fire protection evaluations.
- Transportation: urban and rural road cross-sections for local and major roads, vertical and horizontal curves, sidewalks, and pathways.