• 201, 17205 106A Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1M7
  • 780-482-2557
  • services@sameng.com
Municipal Infrastructure Engineering

Sameng provides a wide range of municipal infrastructure engineering services in the areas of:

  • Stormwater Management:
    • Urban Drainage Systems: storm sewer systems, catchbasins, storm inlets, storm outfalls, control structures, major-minor system, low impact developments (LID).
    • Rural Drainage Systems: ditches, swales, culverts, small bridges.
    • Stormwater Management Facilities: dry ponds, wet ponds and constructed wetlands; dry pond retrofitted in existing parks and school sites with dual-use sports facilities, control structures.
    • Rainfall-Related Flood Risks: flood risk assessments and studies, flood mitigation improvements, rainfall frequency analysis, flood damage estimation.
    • Erosion Protection: at inlet, outfalls and culverts; in drainage channels, watercourses and waterbodies.
  • Wastewater Collection: gravity sewers, sanitary lift stations, and forcemains.
  • Water Supply and Distribution: water distribution systems, water reservoirs and pump stations, water intakes, and fire protection evaluations.
  • Transportation: urban and rural road cross-sections for local and major roads, vertical and horizontal curves, sidewalks, and pathways.


City of Edmonton

Flood Mitigation Program Development


City of Lloydminster

Stormwater Master Plan


Sturgeon County

Industrial Park Reservoir & Pumpstation

Sturgeon County

Industrial Park Utility Installation and Roadwork

City of Edmonton

Duggan SWMF

City of Edmonton

Prince Rupert SWMF

Strathcona County

Centennial Wetlands

Sturgeon Valley

Utility Servicing